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Top 4 Preparations Before Performing Asphalt Repair

Asphalt repairs are necessary when asphalt starts to show signs of wear and tear. When asphalt is worn down, it can lead to problems with vehicle traction, which then leads to accidents.

However, asphalt repairs can be tricky. They are not something that you should attempt without proper preparation, else the asphalt may crack and break apart prematurely leading to expensive rework and a lot of frustration. 

Here are four ways to properly prepare before kicking off an asphalt repair project.  

1) Safety First

Be sure that everyone who may come into contact with your freshly laid asphalt has been instructed how best to avoid damaging it again during usual activities around the property. If necessary – and if you have enough asphalt – it may be wise to put up a barrier or cordon off the area that’s been repaired for a while.

2) Check for Debris on the Asphalt Surface

Remove any leaves, twigs, or other vegetation that might be lying or growing on top of the asphalt surface. If there is grass on asphalt, it can cause problems when making asphalt repairs. Moreover, remove any asphalt pieces that are loose and could cause asphalt repairs to be quickly undone.

3) Inspect the Area

After clearing away debris, take some time to inspect the surrounding area for any other hazards that may contribute to the increased risk of injury. This includes checking for any gas leaks or other environmental hazards that would make asphalt repair unsafe. Utility line identification is essential because it can help prevent injuries to workers and damage to the asphalt roadway surface when working in this area during asphalt repairs.

You should have a professional asphalt repair contractor do this if you are unsure of what is underneath the asphalt surface. Still, if there is something hazardous, it needs to be removed before proceeding with asphalt repairs.

4) Determine the Best Suited Asphalt Repair Method

Some asphalt repairs are better suited for certain situations than others. For example, crack filling is an asphalt repair that is best for repairing asphalt surfaces with surface cracks. However, if you have potholes in your asphalt pavement, you will need asphalt patching.

The asphalt repair method you choose is crucial for the quality of your asphalt repairs and how long they last. The key is to identify which type of asphalt repair will work best for your asphalt surface and then execute the asphalt repair properly.

At J. Wilson Paving, we offer professional asphalt repair services for asphalt driveways, parking lots, and more in Carp, ON. This includes crack fillingcrack sealingsealcoatingpatching, and more. Our experts are experienced and have the knowledge and tools to get almost any paving job done in minimal time. Trust us; we can provide you with a tailored solution at budget-friendly rates. Get a free quote today!

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