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Cotton futures tried to be bullish earlier in the week but settled 65 to 76 points lower on Thursday following disappointing weekly …

Cotton prices are up 41 to 66 points as we get to finish off the first half of the calendar year. Futures …

Cotton prices are collapsing at midday, as USDA reported a larger swing to cotton acres this spring than initially thought. Contracts are …

Cotton closed Friday with contracts down 30 to 221 points, as USDA reported a larger swing to cotton acres this spring than …

Cotton prices are up 34 to 54 points to start a new month. They closed Friday with contracts down 30 to 221 …

Cotton futures are up 15 to 21 points across most contracts on Monday, with in delivery July up 209 points.  The outside …

Cotton futures saw some strength on Monday, with some outside help, as contracts were up 18 to 41 points.  The outside factors …

Cotton prices are down 34 to 44 points to start Tuesday trade. Futures saw some strength on Monday, with some outside help, …

Cotton futures are pulling back 26 to 40 points so far on Tuesday. The outside factors are mute, with crude oil up …

Cotton futures closed with 27 to 74 point losses on the Tuesday session. The outside factors are mixed, with crude oil down …

Cotton is trading with 24 to 65 point losses so far on Wednesday morning. Futures closed with 27 to 74 point losses …

Cotton futures closed with contracts down 9 to 65 points across the bord on Wednesday, led by weaker front months. The outside …

Cotton us trading with 1 to 16 point gains in the front month, with deferred contracts down 4 to 6.. The outside …

Soybeans have pulled off of some of the early lows at midday, but are still showing losses of 5 to 7 cents across …

Soybeans faded off lower into the Friday close, settling near the lows with contracts down 4 ¾ to 11 cents. July did managed …

The wheat complex trading with lower midday action across all three exchanges. Chicago wheat is trading with 4 to 6 cent losses …

Wheat prices are posting lower trade early on Wednesday, with futures contracts down double digits across the three exchanges. They were higher on …

Soybeans have pulled off of some of the early lows at midday, but are still showing losses of 5 to 7 cents across …

Live cattle futures closed 12 to 22 cents lower on Friday, save for a 72 cent drop in Dec as the options …

Live cattle futures closed 12 to 22 cents lower on the day, save for a 72 cent drop in Dec as options …

December live cattle futures’ options expire today. Price action appears to be pushing for a 108 pin, the 108 and 110 strikes …

At the end of Thursday’s trade live cattle futures were off their lows, but still down by triple digits in Dec and …

At the end of Thursday’s trade live cattle futures were off their lows, but still down by triple digits in Dec and …

Thursday trading in the live cattle futures market has prices $0.95 to $1.52 weaker so far. Feeders are also triple digits in …

At the end of trading on Wednesday the board showed 7 to 75 cent gains for front end fat cattle futures. Feeder …

At the end of trading on Wednesday the board showed 7 to 75 cent gains for front month fat cattle futures. Feeder …

Live cattle futures are 10 to 27 cents stronger at midday, save for a 15 cent dip in December. Feeder cattle on …

Live cattle futures were 30 to 45 cents higher at the close. Feeder cattle closed another 60 to 82 cents higher. The …

Live cattle futures were 30 to 45 cents higher at the close. Feeder cattle closed another 60 to 82 cents higher. The …

Live cattle futures are trading the Tuesday session 25 to 70 cents higher. Feeder cattle are adding to Monday’s gains with triple …

Fats weakened on the first trade day of the week, but feeders found Monday strength with lower feed costs. Live cattle futures …

Fats weakened on the first trade day of the week, but feeders found Monday strength with lower feed costs. Live cattle futures …

Soybeans are beginning the USDA report day with contracts mixed, as nearby July is higher and new crop November is lower.  They …

Fat cattle futures are trading in the red so far with 17 to 47 cent Monday givebacks. Feeder cattle are also on …

The wheat market continued this week’s pullback into the holiday. Chicago futures were down 1 ¾ to 7 cents on the session. Kansas City …